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Why was I banned from Facebook for saying "I love you"? - Printable Version

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Why was I banned from Facebook for saying "I love you"? - brassknuckles11 - 11-12-2013 11:41 PM

I was being called a faggot and told that gays all need to die. Instead of dropping to that person's level I simply said "Well I love you, I want to be your best friend." I reported the person to Facebook and I was banned for 24 hours.

Here is a screenshot of the message:

I am livid. This is not the first time Facebook has banned me for no reason. What can I do? I want to get the word out so maybe Facebook will pay better attention to who they place a ban on.
For clarification, the name I was called was F A G G O T
Also, the message says 12 hours but they did indeed block me for 24 hours, I still cannot log in.
For the record, since somebody in the answers seems to think I said something else. I did not. This is the comment Facebook banned me for. The other person was flaming me over and over again and saying a lot of rude and nasty things. I didn't say anything more to him that would have gotten me in trouble.
To whom did you type the words "I love you"? The person who was telling me they hated me and all gay people.

Why did you type that statement? My thought process was to kill em with kindness. I was doing the opposite of dropping to their level.

What led up to you typing that statement? This person calling me a faggot and telling me to die.

I don't understand what is unclear about this...........

- kate - 11-12-2013 11:56 PM

I would say that person reported you. And that's why. That's the only reason I can think of.

- deanyourfriendinky - 11-13-2013 12:02 AM

So the important information that we're not getting is the rest of the context. Here are some things that matter:

To whom did you type the words "I love you"?

Why did you type that statement?

What led up to you typing that statement?

I assure you, for whatever the folks who run Facebook banned you, it was motivated strictly by their need to stop a bad situation from becoming worse.

You should not be dismayed. They probably took some sort of action against the other person in this debacle too. You should not be livid either. It's not really any big deal to be banned from Facebook for a day. It even gives you the opportunity to do something else with your time.

Finally, if you want to know why Facebook banned you, try asking for specific reasons without going into a tirade. You get better results when you're cordial than when you're confrontational or emotional.

Oh, one more thing. If you happen to be gay, that does NOT mean that you deserve to die. Don't fret. Be of good cheer.

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Who called you a ******???

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It's best, when someone is being belligerent to stop interacting with that person. Unless you're at work and getting paid to deal with other people's malarkey, there is no need to deal with someone's malignant behavior --- or, as you put it, to try to kill that person with kindness.