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Help on funny and clever Facebook name?!? - Printable Version

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Help on funny and clever Facebook name?!? - Joey - 11-14-2013 12:09 AM

For senior year everyone makes funny and clever names on facebook that incoorperate a part of their first name. My names is Joey (and yes i am a girl... confusing i know) but i need help coming up with one! For example my friends suggesed GI Jo but im not sure.... Help please!!!

My best friends name is Charlotte and hers is Charry Night for another example and my friend Alexa is Tyranosaurous lex

Help please!!!

- KelHATESorangesoda - 11-14-2013 12:15 AM

jojo the clown....

Joey chew chew.....god that was lamer than the clown.....sorry

Joey Murder (pretty cool)

Joey Larchymose

Play with that you might have something fun come up click my name and see if u can figure mine out please?

The one below me "no one" is awesome you should go with his