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I Am Very Much Addicted To My Phone And Facebook ? - Printable Version

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I Am Very Much Addicted To My Phone And Facebook ? - Gaurav - 11-14-2013 02:05 AM

I Am 15 Y.o. teen And Very Much Addicted To My Phone And FB And My Exams Are Going On But I Unable To Leave My Phone Even A Minute !!
Please Help Smile

- ? - 11-14-2013 02:19 AM

Go to your nearest McDonalds or Burger King.
Take a good look at the burger flippers.

That is your future if you cannot focus on your studies over worthless social networking.

- ? - 11-14-2013 02:30 AM

Depends how serious you are about quitting, Try turning off your internet on your phone, and if you need to use the internet for study, try a chrome extension like StayFocused (
to limit the time you spend on certain sites.

- triple A - 11-14-2013 02:41 AM

I had the same problem. This is what I did:
Every time you check your fb ask yourself "why did I do that when I just checked it 5 mins ago? "
Set yourself a certain time for checking fb. Like once every 2 hours. If your phone has push notifications turn them on . This way your phone will notify every time something new happens on fb, saving you checking yourself. Good luck!

- straightdowntown873 - 11-14-2013 02:45 AM

Hand your phone to someone and tell them not to give it back until after your exams are over.
Seems you're also addicted to your shift key and capitalizing every word.

- ? - 11-14-2013 02:46 AM

Take all your chargers and lock them up.
Put parental controls on it so you can't access all the features.
Shut it down and have your parents take it.

- ? - 11-14-2013 02:54 AM

just ask a doctor

- Lucas - 11-14-2013 03:09 AM

You have to concentrate only on your exams not on your phone and FB.