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Is it normal for people to have a strong reaction about being deleted from Facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it normal for people to have a strong reaction about being deleted from Facebook? - .Jezebelle. - 11-14-2013 07:31 AM

I was balancing my dad's checkbook and bank statements etc. and I received a text from a former associate. She and I really hadn't been speaking anymore or hanging out. I'm not even sure when she still had my number saved in her phone. Anyway, her text was asking if she had ever done anything to me because she had heard that I was posting things about her on Facebook. No one really is close enough with me to know what any of my posts are about, so I couldn't understand how that happened. For someone to call her and definitely tell her "She posting comments about you." It didn't make sense and I was very frustrated because if I mess up with my dad's accounts, he could lose money or overdraft etc because he depends on me to make sure everything is correct.

I texted her back to tell her that first of all her name wasn't on my page anywhere and secondly I never told anyone that my posts were about anyone at all. I added that my posts are always generic or whatever is on my mind which never has anything to do with anyone.

Then, I went through and deleted all of our mutual friends from my page and all of her relatives. I basically deleted anyone that could have possibly told her that or deleted any page she could have been using to view mine.

I later learned that it was a group of them in a group gathered and discussing being deleted and discussing not being addeded back when they requested. They didn't understand what was going on and said that I wasn't the type to do this. It left me confused. I'm not used to people behaving this way.

- blackturbokitty - 11-14-2013 07:35 AM

Yes sometimes. A lot of people have a tendency of taking Facebook too seriously.

- Hannah - 11-14-2013 07:39 AM

Yes, it's normal and the usual reaction.

- Damon - 11-14-2013 07:45 AM

Facebook is how most people keep in touch now. Unfriending someone is like unfriending them in real life. The way most people see it, if you can't be friends with them on an internet website, what does that say about real life? Facebook is the new phone. Unfriending them and not accepting their friend requests, is like you not answering the phone when they call and they know you are home.

Make sure your status' aren't public, or anyone can see them. Set it to friends only. Not friends of friends.