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Fake Facebook account of me? - Printable Version

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Fake Facebook account of me? - Alex - 11-14-2013 07:10 PM

In 7th (8th?) my friend made me a fake Facebook account cause I did not have one. I never really wanted one cause I never saw a real reason to have one. Instead of getting my name spelled right, my birthday, or even a actually picture of me, they were all wrong. He even put a picture of Obama as my profile picture. Safely he moved in 8th grade and I completely for got about the fake account. The account is friends with a lot of my actually friends, but is there a way for me to get access to it? I don't have my friends email or anything. I don't want it deletion Cause I want to see who else actually thought it was me and friend requested me. Since I am some what popular at school I know I probably have a few more request that I have not seen. Can Facebook give me the account and password? I am currently in the 9th grade.

- Charlie 😎 - 11-14-2013 07:15 PM

Report the account and then block it.

- Daniel - 11-14-2013 07:21 PM

Without Knowing the Email Address At Least you Will Not Be Able to Access the Account Facebook Will Not Give you the Email Address It Will Give you The Password if you Know the Email Address By Clicking on Forgot Password and Put the Email Address In