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Why the comments don't show up on 9gag? - Printable Version

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Why the comments don't show up on 9gag? - Aura - 11-14-2013 08:28 PM

When I open an image, it usually allows you to comment when you are also logged in trough your facebook. But since I got Windows 8, it never works.
I researched abit, and the solution was to reinstall Java, but it only works on Desktop Mode on Windows 8.
It is still the same :/ i don't know what to do. Any help?
It seems like the problem is only with me, my friends dont have this problem

- Daniel - 11-14-2013 08:41 PM

if it Doesint Show Up it May Have Something to Do With Facebook Or the Web Page There is Nothing you Can Do to Fix it This is Something the Web Master of 9 Gag Would Have To Trouble Shoot if the Problem is On There End or if its Facebook This is Something the Facebook Team Would Have to Fix