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how can u prevent a bully? - Printable Version

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how can u prevent a bully? - Brandon - 11-15-2013 04:08 PM

- True Believer - 11-15-2013 04:14 PM

Its not easy to do but you have to stand up to them

- Andy - 11-15-2013 04:17 PM

don't be visible to the jerks & make your self look tough

- Lily - 11-15-2013 04:27 PM

Just ignore them completely. The only thing bullies are trying to get from you is a reaction. If you don't give them the satisfaction of getting a reaction then they will stop.
Also it helps to tell your parents or a teacher. (Although if you are being cyber bullied then you need to have evidence that this is happening.)
Good luck Smile I hope this was helpful

- Noodlesandchocalte - 11-15-2013 04:43 PM

If its Cyber bullying, just ignore and block the person. i know this is not the answer you want, but its the right thing. You will be tempted to check out what they're saying about you but just ignore. If its not cyber bullying, just smile at them when the tell you something bad. Or just tell them stuff like "and your point is", "do you get some sort of satisfaction from this" but what ever you do never fight fire with fire. Please cutting or suicide is never the answer. Right now i cut and i just cant help myself. Don't do it though it doesn't feel right. Just stay strong and keep the faith. The pain will end one sooner or later.

- abraXus - 11-15-2013 04:45 PM

simply by ignoring them

the reason they bully you is because you react - they want that reaction

- Cassie - 11-15-2013 04:51 PM

If you are being bullied on Facebook, you can report the offensive content.

Don't respond or get into a discussion with anyone, that's what they want. Just report and block.

Most of the time, if you keep getting in touch, trying to "get even", or responding to harassment, it's seen as a discussion and not a harassment situation.

- Alan - 11-15-2013 05:02 PM

Watch the movie Fight Club, that helped me out back in the day when I was dealing with bullys. For some reason, the movie increases your confidence. Lol, no joke!