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Anyone knows how to hack a facebook profile and want to help me please? - Printable Version

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Anyone knows how to hack a facebook profile and want to help me please? - Tecia - 11-15-2013 07:21 PM

Its something pertaining to my life and i need to find out something immediately. i'm not gonna do smack on the person profile just want to find out something then go.
Its wrong i know but i still the help.

- Kay - 11-15-2013 07:27 PM

It is wrong to do this, but I've found myself in the same situation before. I had really good reason to suspect a cheater. I keylogged my sisters computer that he used (with her permission) and retrieved his password. I found out what I suspected, was cheated on tons of times and would have lived my life blind had I not done that. Not saying that's right, but if he gave me an std from one of those girls I would feel dumb for not having sought out my gut feeling.

- thunderingbun742 - 11-15-2013 07:31 PM

You don't hack Face Book. Everybody is entitled to their privacy. And to hack Face Book could get you jail time. It is very illegal.

- J - 11-15-2013 07:32 PM

This attack is used when both you and the other person are on a local network, doing this over the wide area network would require some extra steps. Local is the easiest way to go.

If you have a droid, this might suit you better. Once again this is used on a local network.

another droid app

Basically, you are on the same network as the person you are trying to attack. When the person you are trying to attack logs into facebook, a session is created with the facebook server, through your internet connection. As being on the same network as the person you are trying to attack, you can steal the unprotected session by using some of the above methods. Of course it is very easy to protect yourself against these attacks, ie use ssl, or ap isolation protection methods, even vpn services will help. This type of attack is called Session Hijacking, and its very common.

This is one of many ways to gain access to other peoples accounts on facebook.

Justin R