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When no one "likes" or comments on your status...? - Printable Version

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When no one "likes" or comments on your status...? - Sb_Sweetheart - 11-16-2013 12:17 AM

Do you care?
Its just a question, because so many people care! I'm not talking about myself. I wanted to see what people said. Gosh.

- Liosmor - 11-16-2013 12:22 AM

Nope. I think I don't care because I'm not a complete loser.

- Andy - 11-16-2013 12:37 AM

Nah, I have a life

- M - 11-16-2013 12:53 AM

Well kind of....because if I didn't care, then why post something in the first place? The point of social networking is to interact with others, so if a person's post isn't "liked" or commented on at all, it could be a bit disappointing.