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How is Facebook a useful social media tool with positive benefits for teens? - Printable Version

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How is Facebook a useful social media tool with positive benefits for teens? - john - 11-16-2013 01:01 AM

I am asking this question because i have to say a speech about it. I have a few points including; increases literacy skills and educational pages provide good and meaningful information.

The speech has to go for 8 minutes so that wont be enough.

Any help will be appreciated.

- yuyoyuppe - 11-16-2013 01:05 AM

It's a great way to meet new friends that share common interests. That can really be good for a teen too, if they don't have any friends to relate to. Finding somebody out there in the world that likes the things you like can really help make a teen feel less alone.
Meeting people in other countries can really help you learn about culture, too.
Facebook is also good for teens who have changed schools and moved around a lot, cos it can help them stay in touch with old friends!
Facebook is good for staying in touch in general for all teens. As they grow older and and progress through school, they can still keep in touch with friends from previous grades. It can create a lifelong friendship between teens, cos they can keep in touch with people from elementary and middle school and etc even as an adult.
It can also help teens keep in touch with distant or close relatives.
And one last thing: Facebook.. probably isn't the most effective way to improve literacy skills, honestly xD

- Daniel - 11-16-2013 01:09 AM

Its a Good Way For Teens to Stay Connected With There Friends They Can Take Pictures With There Friends and Upload it to Facebook and They Can Share Pictures With People They Can Talk To There Friends and Family That Are Far Away