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How to gain followers on instagram? - Printable Version

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How to gain followers on instagram? - RaNdOm - 11-16-2013 02:38 AM

I want more followers on instagram, any idea how I can get them (: ? Comment please Big Grin

- toby - 11-16-2013 02:39 AM

Post more interesting stuff.

- S(he)Be(lie)ve(d) - 11-16-2013 02:43 AM

There are different varieties of ways...
1- Follow a bunch of people - I personally don't like this one because I don't want to have a bunch of random people in my news feed. Also, not always that they follow back. I have seen some people following about 10K and have 3K followers, which may make you look quite desperate.
2- Post really good photos- if you post more photos that people are more likely to be interested in, the more likely they are to follow you.
3- Dont post a bunch of photos- post no more than 5 a day, and make sure that you space them out so you dont overwhelm your followers and so that they don't unfollow you.
4- like and Comment on others Photos- this is my favorite way and I have been doing this for about the past week and I have gained about 200 followers. How I do it, is I pick a common hashtag and I go through and like a lot of them and comment on some. When people see you liked their photos, they might follow you without even knowing that you aren't following then.
5- Like the Photos on Pop Page- I have never tried this, but I have seen some people say that this works.
6- Do shoutout for shoutout with big pages- I hate when people do this, and sometimes if they do this too much I unfollow them, so I don't recommend it unless you have really good photos that no one would unfollow you because of.
7- Hashtag your Photos- this works quite well, because some people (like me) like to go through and look at the hashtags and then, they might see your photos and like them, and possibly follow you.
8-) haha it's a smiley face <--- but anyways... Reply to Comments on others photos- if you are looking at a photo, and you see someone comment and ask "Omg where did you get that top?" And you happen to have seen it somewhere, comment and reply "I have seen it at _____ @whoeveraskedit" or if they just say "you are so pretty!" Just comment and say "agreed! @whoeversaidit" This helps because then people notice you and may follow you.

There are plenty more but I have to go somewhere Smile I hope I helped and I hope you get the followers that you want!