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How do I drop a friend? - Printable Version

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How do I drop a friend? - Danielle Traylor - 11-16-2013 04:09 AM

So there's this girl I have been friends Since she was 4 and I was 5 we are now 13 and I want to drop her. She only has two friends me and my friend.i introduced her to my friend. She is rlly annoying and obxnkusix and has a huge attitude.and when she try's to be funny her jokes are so lame. And she thinks of me in a bad way but always asks to hang out..Like she recently called 3 times in a row and I didn't pick up and she legit walked up ti my door asking to hangout and I had no choice other then yes. If I do drop her , her mom is gonna have a talk with me knowing Her. And the thing is my friend is starting to dislike her too and she copy's us... She sighned up for the same sports and clubs as us and we r sick and tired of her. She follows me around and when ever I don't answer what she says she keeps on talking . She has no common sense to see I don't like her. SOOOO what should I do?!?!? I want to tell her I don't want to be friends with her Any more but what should I say? IF U KNOW PLEASEEE ANSWERR THANKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! THIS IS IN REAL LIFE NOT FACE BOOK BTWWWW

- Andrew - 11-16-2013 04:21 AM

Say something like, I know we have been friends for a while but you have been a little to close to me lately. Could you give me some space? Something along those lines

- sillywhisper - 11-16-2013 04:27 AM

I agree with Andrew. Do not come straight out and say the things you've said here. It's hurtful and also in a way it isn't completely true. You see we all make up our stories about things. It's how we interpret the world, but it isn't Truth with a capital "T", if you understand my meaning.

Yes, you need some "space". Explain that when you are around someone too much, you get sick of them. They start to irritate you. It is really rare to have a friend you've known from such a young age. To preserve the friendship, you guys need to spend a lot of time apart. You don't know how long it's going to take, but you need to do your thing and she needs to do hers for awhile. Tell her please don't call or come over for awhile because you want a chance to miss her.

Try to have love in your heart for her, as you should have for everyone.

- Sherry Kreiter - 11-16-2013 04:32 AM

Hi Danielle Traylor
You ask the question now you get an true answer. I am 56 years old and I grew up with some friends that are surprise that I am the same person . Why? Because I listen to my grand parents who raise three grand children. We were thought of as white trash. But that is ok. We were brought up in a good home. Wore hand me downs, and homemade clothes. But we walked with pride. That is the least I can say for you. If you have known this young lady all these tears and have been friends, did you stop to think that maybe she is having problems at home? No you did not. The first thing that comes to your mind is no longer friend ship. Well Shame On You. Go to your friend and sit down and say lets have a talk , just you and me. And explain the problems that you wrote to Answers , to get an answer. Let her know that the way she is acting is hurting your feelings. And that you have been to good a friends for you to say goodbye for good. Try it my child. It will turn her head around, and open her eyes. Knowing that she is getting ready to loose a best friend. Give her a chance. Everyone deserves a chance. Even you. Because one day you will be in her foot step,s Wanna get back with me my e-mail is

- Carley - 11-16-2013 04:43 AM

Well, this sounds kinda like you're the bad friend, but anyways, just deal with her. Don't start drama (which you just did), and maybe try to find her new friends to introduce her to, so she will take more interest in them than you. If you had no friends, you probably would want to be around that one friend you had and want to be more like them in order to get more friends, because you didn't know any other way. By just "dropping" friends, it gives you a bad reputation as a friend, and you're gonna have a bad time in high school. Welcome to life, where not everyone you deal with is going to be your favorite person. You never know, she may be your boss someday.