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What to say to get people to add you on facebook? - Printable Version

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What to say to get people to add you on facebook? - A little heavy on the make up this morning - 11-16-2013 06:45 AM

- abraXus - 11-16-2013 06:48 AM

you cant get people to talk to you unless you are already their friend

it's against the rules to use facebook to talk to strangers

- SBW - 11-16-2013 06:51 AM

If its a person I'm attracted to and see potential interest in, I usually just send them a friend request and they end up doing the talking or liking my stuff. I mean what choice did I have but to send a request right? It's not in person for them to notice me out of no where! They coul be a really busy person who only check notifications! I'm totally like that myself most months of the year when I had fb! So it's totally ok I think to simply send a requestSmile other than that, sometimes I msg them "well hi there Smile". Usually a good start up too they reply "hello hello Smile we have mutual friends!" Or something.. Or I had a ex's ex trying to add me to spy on her ex who came back to me, being my ex first... And I didn't accept for a week then she msgs me saying "you look so familiar, do I know you from somewhere? I'm all "nope" but she was consistant, a yr late we agreed out ex is a manwhoree and we should hangout with eachother soon so he can go crazy Wink plus were super hot, he hates us now

- SPYDERBLADE - 11-16-2013 07:03 AM

You could ask them, or send them a friend request.