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why dont facebook remove inappropriate content? I have a problem here.? - Printable Version

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why dont facebook remove inappropriate content? I have a problem here.? - SocksSo - 11-16-2013 09:51 AM

I reported a picture on facebook of some severe, brutal cartoon violence from happy tree friends of them being brutally slaughtered, brains and all sorts all over the floor. I reported it as violence and it was not taken down.
I reported a picture of cartoon rape and that was not taken down.
I reported a comment of someone TELLING an underage boy to start smoking and smoke drugs and it wasn't removed!
I reported a picture of a pornstar, the picture was full of "dis is how i eff da b*tches ass" with a stupid cartoon thing doing her on it.

others were just completely inappropriate, a girl holding a bag of drugs up, someone taking drugs, very brutal photos of a girl who had slashed herself with a knife and a boy molesting her.

So just what does facebook constitute as inappropriate content? they didn't remove a single post!
Someone reported my status which said "going to the shops, leave me messages" as harassment and it was removed!

Can I make a complaint anywhere I feel it is extremely disgusting the things they have not removed.
most of the stuff isn't even my friends it is from pages or people sharing things or people I am following.
There isn't much of it but when it appears it is very dangerous telling children to take drugs, posting actual porn on there and such is not appropriate.

- SteveO - 11-16-2013 10:04 AM

It takes more than one person for Facebook to take notice on "inappropriate content."

EDIT: Why do you follow things that post content you object to? Here's a simple solution: stop following those pages/people, or hide individual posts you object to. Of course it's dangerous telling kids to take's not illegal though since I can tell everyone I know that they should go get prescriptions for whatever they want and start popping pills without being arrested. Welcome to freedom of speech; it sucks sometimes, but it is what it is.

- Squidmaster - 11-16-2013 10:06 AM

First, they never remove something based on ONE report alone. Something will only be judged offensive is MULTIPLE people report it as such. Second, what one person deems offensive others might not, so there is a fine line to tread before anyone can tell something else what they can and can't share.
If there is a person or people posting things that offend you, DON'T BE THEIR FRIENDS. Then you won't see it anymore.

- ManBearPig - 11-16-2013 10:20 AM

Facebook is supposed to be for adults only, if your offended then don't go on it.

- who_is_jack_shit - 11-16-2013 10:33 AM

Perhaps you should stop using Facebook if everything is offending you or remove the friends that post it, it isn't rocket science. Obviously they do not agree with your views and did not remove the posts.

- Jon - 11-16-2013 10:40 AM

I find it really intriguing that you, yourself as the reporting waambulance, have very vivid details of every cartoon you watched and photo you saw. It makes me think you actually enjoy seeking these photos and videos out on Facebook, watch them first and fully, and then make a report because of some weird narcissism due to being on a rampage about having one of your status's removed while you as a singular entity can't get even the most explicit things on Facebook off of Facebook.

I have an absolutely great remedy for you to do in Facebook! You should un-friend all your fake "friends" and only invite those who actually share similar intellect, beliefs, and morals. That way, you don't accept trolls into your list who report posts of yours as offensive for 'lulz' ...

Your question "Can I make a complaint anywhere..." basically, here's the deal. You've made your complaint. If Facebook decides to look into the issue after receiving -multiple complaints- and it breaks their TOS, they will deactivate the account per their guidelines. Otherwise, if it is not against your country's law (meaning child porn or bestiality) -- you have no moral ground or podium to stand on or behind.

You can try to be the porn and bad images vigilante, you're going to fail miserably as when one FB page goes down, ten more will take its place.