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Is it okay for teachers to add students on facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it okay for teachers to add students on facebook? - Juliet - 11-16-2013 04:29 PM

My history teacher made a Facebook today and only added a few people including myself, all of my friends thought it was pretty weird since he didn't add them and they are in his class too. Isn't this illegal or frowned upon? He's a really cool teacher and I don't think he means any harm, just thought it was a bit odd.

- Vivid Pink - 11-16-2013 04:36 PM

My teachers/college professors did that too so it's ok I guess.

- Doug - 11-16-2013 04:51 PM

Teachers are usually allowed to do this if the facebook account is directly linked to school purposes. So to send out messages that remind students to get their coursework done on time and so on.

- JennaDarling - 11-16-2013 05:05 PM

My school doesn't allow it but then again a teacher from my school got caught with a student sooooo haha

- Frosty - 11-16-2013 05:06 PM

Two reason i think it would be okay, though i dont know much about the legal view. If its a school Facebook account, which i see many teachers have, theres nothing personally related, only about school events and things, also they only add students current and previous , as well as other teachers but they do not add personal friends, family, romantic relationships, etc Then i see that as fine and normal.
or if you have already graduated school then personal facebooks is fine

- ambika - 11-16-2013 05:14 PM

Yes, that is okay for teacher to add students on facebook because there is good relationship between teacher and students. Teacher provide knowledge for students from facebook also.