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So there is a celebrity who left a comment in my pic and? - Printable Version

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So there is a celebrity who left a comment in my pic and? - Fifo - 11-16-2013 05:34 PM

There is a celebrity who I follow and comment on her pics (instagram). One day I guess she checked my profile caz she left a comment "<3" on one of my pics. I was sort of happy, because i am a fan of her. But in a day when i checked my pic again, the comment is dissapeared. So i guess in some days she decided to check my profile again to delete the comment lol ? Why has she done it ? It sound pretty rediculous that she remembered my user name from all thousand K users that follow her to remove the comment Confused ??? What do you think ?

P.s sry typing on the phone

- deanyourfriendinky - 11-16-2013 05:36 PM

The unnamed celebrity who made a comment on an unspecified photo at an unspecified URL could have any number of unspecified reasons for his/her actions. Only the celebrity, God, and possibly the celebrity's agents know the reason.