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What if the 2000 Presidential election turned out differently? - Printable Version

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What if the 2000 Presidential election turned out differently? - Dave - 10-13-2012 01:03 PM

I know this question has been asked many times, but this has been, for whatever reason been running through my head for days now. Here's what I think would happen:

Gore wins

the brief recession of 2001 happens, some small stimulus is passed, Tax Cuts (though not as big as the first round of Bush tax cuts) are passed as well to strike a deal with a Republican Controlled legislature.

Social Security and the rest of the Surplus money go into a "Lockbox"

9/11 Happens. Gore, like Bush, invades Afghanistan, and topples the Taliban regime. The difference being Gore persues Bin Laden and Bin Laden is captured and killed. Due to better manegment, we're out of Afghanistan by early 2004.

No invasion of Iraq.

Education reform different and better than "No Child Left Behind" is passed.

Gore proposses alternative energy legislation, however it fails to get votes in a congress controlled by republicans.

The economy is recovered from the recession, however Gore closely loses re election in 2004 to a moderate Republican (mostlikely McCain) due to Gridlock and people wanting a change after 12 years of Democrats.

McCain's Presidency starts of successful until the Republicans lose control of congress in the 2006 midterm elections due to corruption. The economy goes back into recession in Dec. 2007, the housing market crashes, Wall Street and the auto industry still fall.

McCain is soundly defeated in 2008 by Barack Obama and things are somewhat the same from there.

- Auroch - 10-13-2012 01:11 PM

Baby Bush bought his was into the white house and then as soon as he got 9/11 to happen he just started shoveling the money out the window. He used 9/11 to reorgainzed the government and invent the Nazi sounding "Homeland Security" so he could hire all those worthless right wingers as border guards, cops, agents - and they he started torturing people and starting wars.

What a horrible tragedy for the US - and all the right wingers just thought he was so cute. They want another psychopath like Baby Bush again.

- David - 10-13-2012 01:11 PM

A massive depression and stock market crash right at the beginning of his term. Remember, the economy was in lousy shape before Bush took office. Gore would be clueless how to fix it. He would try to spend his way out (like Obama) and fail miserably (like Obama). Massive debt would accrue.

He would launch a very expensive campaign to catch manbearpig but fail.

Assuming 9/11 happened (and I'm not sure it would), Gore would not invade any countries. He would first try to go after Bin Laden but would realize no one would cooperate with him. So he would start deploying small groups of troops all over the world and bombing aspirin factories pissing everyone in the world off at us.

Gore would pass a bunch of globalist global warming laws that would further devastate the economy. Many large corporations move overseas and the economic collapse of 2008 occurs much sooner. (before the 2001 depression ends)

He would appoint more extremists to the supreme court and make Ginsburg chief justice (because gore has an inferiority complex he would want to be the first to do things to make himself feel important). Without Roberts and Alito The democrats can pass any unconstitutional crap they want.

In 2004, Gore loses his re-election to Jeb Bush who promises to catch Bin Laden as one of his main campaign promises. After Jeb wins, the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq happen exactly the same only four years later. Jeb wins re-election against Hillary. The economy begins to recover but the debt Gore left leaves the US in really bad shape. In 2012 Obama wins the democrat nomination and defeats the republican easily. Under Obama the economy collapses just like it did but even worse because the US was is in worse shape to begin with. China, seeing weakness in the US, invades Taiwan daring us to respond. Obama doesn't respond and turns to the UN who does nothing. In 2016, China invades Japan. They want to go to war with us now. Obama finally responds and WWIII begins. The war leads to Obama winning re-election in 2016 but the US begins losing badly (The military cuts because of the debt and the other wars have depleted our military). China invades the west coast and cuts off the panama canal and Russia invades through Alaska. The war on the west coast will continue for years. Dissatisfied with Obama's leadership, some states begin seceding from the union including Texas, Florida and South Carolina. The US starts breaking up into smaller countries. By 2020 the military overthrows the government and removes Obama. They are desperate and begin launching nukes on China and Russia. Russia responds with nukes of their own. The power struggle forces Europe and the middle east into war. The entire world goes to war. By 2030, the world is like mad max. It will take another thousand years to rebuild.