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How do I stop Facebook from telling my friends where I post, what I post? - Printable Version

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How do I stop Facebook from telling my friends where I post, what I post? - Fiddlesticks - 11-17-2013 07:18 PM

Whenever I post in Starcraft's FB page, it basically shows in the left of the notification bar so some of my friends can see it, I have no problem with it, but they often ask questions and act surprised when they click on what I said when I tell them there are professional gamers...don't want to repeat myself as I have already 20x. Any options?

- 3rd Degree Burns - 11-17-2013 07:26 PM

delete them from your list

- integralegr - 11-17-2013 07:27 PM

Close friends or people you specify could see your posts. You could narrow the fields to what you want.