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Why are people boycotting Twitter because of what others do with Twitter? - Printable Version

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Why are people boycotting Twitter because of what others do with Twitter? - news junkie - 11-17-2013 09:08 PM

Why not expose what others do instead? If they really don't like Twitter because of what others do with Twitter why don't they stop using Twitter instead of boycotting Twitter for maybe 24 hours?

- news junkie - 11-17-2013 09:19 PM

They have become addicted to it maybe?

- Superdog - 11-17-2013 09:22 PM

I don't have Twitter

I don't have Facebook

I don't have a TV

I don't miss any of them.

- QuiteNewHere - 11-17-2013 09:26 PM

Halleluiah what a novel and logical idea.
Try not to indulge in nitwit behavior? by disconnecting from the twit club.


- Amazinganger765 - 11-17-2013 09:41 PM

i see no point in Twitter. It seems people sign up to it because they are too lazy to contact friends the "old fashioned"way. Instead of phoning or seeing a friend face to face they write "Just been to Boots, bought a new mascara", then its "cooking tea, house burning down because I am too busy typing my movements step by step to notice". Facebook is for Jeremy Kyle-ites. If people are stupid enough to think you can send anonymous death threats to someone for no reason at all, they will soon learn they cant. There is no point boycotting it, they wont be able to keep it up for long as its their only means of boring people with their hum drum existence.

- fleefly - 11-17-2013 09:49 PM

Because the people who run Twitter should be doing more to police the site and not sit back with their head in the sand.