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How to care less about Facebook likes? - Printable Version

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How to care less about Facebook likes? - stanley - 11-17-2013 11:13 PM

I care too much about getting lots of likes, so that I can look 'cool'.
For example, I would change my profile photo twice a day (when hundreds of friends are online) so that they can see it and like it?

I know it is so pathetic and lame but I feel like Im addicted to getting likes even though they dont mean anything?

Like for my current profile photo, I want to get a lot of likes for it because I like it because its different but I know thay Im being so pathetic over this?


- Cherry - 11-17-2013 11:23 PM

I think it is very normal to get people's attention and like. There is no need to change yourself for it. Just do you. I am also a person have same kind situation as you.

- pri✍ - 11-17-2013 11:38 PM

Do you think people really care how often you change your profile picture? Personally, I don't like that people often change their profile picture as it's more eye catching to know who post/comment from the profile picture. And to me, twice a day people change profile pic give me the impression of how pathetic that is, it's something you're not expected from your friend, do you?

- Kelly louise - 11-17-2013 11:44 PM

Just try not to think about It, people think it's 'cool' to be 'Facebook famous' but it isn't anything to be proud of, it doesn't make them a better person or get then a good job in life. They just clearly spend too much time on the internet fishing for compliments and likes.