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How do I like Facebook pictures in secret? - Printable Version

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How do I like Facebook pictures in secret? - Mistanico - 11-18-2013 01:55 AM


On facebook, when you like a picture, people can see what you liked.. I want to do this in secret because otherwise my girlfriend would get jealous for nothing..

Any tips ?

- Fredrik - 11-18-2013 01:55 AM

Like the page -> Your own timeline -> activities -> set as only visible to yourself

- M - 11-18-2013 02:07 AM

I don't think this is possible since your Likes will automatically show up in the Ticker if you liked something that is shared with the public or with friends of friends.

You can hide your Likes of overall 'Pages' if you go to your profile, click on the Likes and set the privacy to "only me".

- Lacey - 11-18-2013 02:23 AM

Let me get this want us to help you to lie to your girlfriend? Not gonna happen from me.

If you can't be honest with your girlfriend, cut her loose so she can find a guy who will be honest with her.

If you don't want to do that for your own selfish reasons, then stop liking pictures you know will upset her. Why do you feel the need to like this crap anyway? It's ridiculous.