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Is it weird to like a girls picture on facebook? - Printable Version

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Is it weird to like a girls picture on facebook? - Violentjam822 - 11-19-2013 05:47 AM

we met through our university's facebook page and we will be living near each other in the residence hall.

she added me on facebook but we have never talked. the night i accepted, she liked my photo but then quickly unliked. her pics have like 60-70 likes each on them. she has over 1000 friends.

anyway, she uploaded a pic of her in a dress and she looks absolutely stunning. the problem is i am ugly and i think she feels that way too since she unliked my pic so idk what to do

- E. - 11-19-2013 06:01 AM

I think it is more weird that you answer that question. But the fact that you are admitting to basically stalking this girl on Facebook, I would consider getting a hobby. She has 1000's of friends and as you said, 60-70 likes and comments on every picture, she probably just loves attention.

That being said, you don't talk to her, only seen her, it probably wouldn't hurt to like a picture or two, but don't make it a habit as that could lead to her thinking you are some kind of stalker. Maybe if you said hi to her once in a while in person it would make it OK to comment on her "e-life".