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Why do people add others to their Facebook and they do not know them? - Printable Version

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Why do people add others to their Facebook and they do not know them? - Nate - 11-20-2013 07:00 AM

I only add people I know and consider my friend so I do not have over 500 people on my page not even 100. But one of my friends had over 500 and a majority are from Korea. I do not think she speaks Korean and she is Latina not saying she cannot have Korean friends but how is it she knows them? Do you just add people you do not know? Why do people do this? I really want to know because I think it is weird to have all these friends from Korea and she does not even know them. ThanksSmile

- M - 11-20-2013 07:15 AM

Some people will add anyone just to get more friends. So she may add these people even if it just says she has one mutual friend.

- Friendly - 11-20-2013 07:27 AM

It's a popularity contest. It's kind of sad, really.