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Can you imagine how prosperous America will be under Romney/Ryan? - Printable Version

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Can you imagine how prosperous America will be under Romney/Ryan? - Camel - 10-13-2012 02:13 PM

First, cutting taxes for the job creators and corporations will lead to a glut of job openings for everyone, and after immigration reform, without the illegals to take those jobs, more Real, True Americans will be able to work!
Second, after finally fixing the "entitlements" of Medicare and Social Security, the government will save Billions of dollars, and people will be able to choose their own health care or retirement system without any socialist communism, and the stock market will reward them!
Third - slashing the government payroll will enable more people to work for the private sector which is the engine of our economy!
Fourth - War is a fantastic boost for the manufacturing sector - watch out, Iran!

Geez, I feel a "tingle up my leg" at the possibilities of a Romney/Ryan Reign!

How can anyone NOT be excited about this once in a lifetime opportunity to finally fix our country?!

- immensetoothpaste594 - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

Sadly, most Obama voters are idiots who know nothing about politics and only vote for him because they follow the crowd like sheep.

- Mike - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

Hey you know republicans wont read this and will just say obame is a failure.

- Matthew D Rises - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

You forgot the part about the ground being covered in manna!

- RayHere - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

i am happy for a romney presidency bc it means we can have someone who looks like an american in the white house.

- justjoseph - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

PLEASE, provide some links to FACTS & FIGURES (&maybe some History) to support your "talking points"!

IF you are attempting to achieve ironic humor, or facetious commentary, you might be on the correct course, though. I might have missed a lotta news, but I cannot believe there are FACTS, nor FIGURES, that could support the premise of the Question!

- xpatinasia - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

Conservatives are out to destroy America. When the 2016 Olympics were awarded to Brazil, the conservatives cheered, “America failed. Yea!” When the conservatives initialed approved the increase of the national debt limit, America lost its 3-star rating. Conservatives cheered, “America failed. Yea!” With the lower bond rating, the interest rate on America’s bonds increased, and increased the national debt by $500 billion. Denying they had anything to do with the lower bond rating, they collectively blamed the President. When GM once again became the number one car manufacturer in the world, the conservatives whined. They hated that. When a Chevrolet Volt battery caught fire, the conservatives cheered. “GM failed. Yea! Who needs ‘green’ energy?” Conservatives don’t want a strong America, because a strong America won’t make them richer. A weak America makes them richer. The conservatives won’t destroy America with a shot to the head. They will destroy America with a thousand small “insignificants” cuts. Collectively, the spirit of America will die, and the conservative’s mission will be accomplished. With the assistance of his VP, Flip Flopney will do to America what Bain has done to the companies it controlled. Flopney will load up America on debt, suck it dry, and then declare bankruptcy. “Oh, look,” he and the other conservatives will declare, “it’s Obama’s fault”.

- LA_Chick - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

Don't forget the gangs of starving seniors who will be roaming the streets!

- Dr. Killpatient - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

corporations have 2 trillion dollars in the bank. Giving them more money is not going to make them hire more people. Slashing Medicare spending will create a recession, because doctors and hospitals will have less money, and they will hire fewer people. May even fire some of their staff to save money. The unemployment rate is kept high by local governments laying off people. Of course, people who are for Romney and Ryan do not really care about jobs. They are the idle rich.

- Tim C - 10-13-2012 02:21 PM

If war is a fantastic boost for the manufacturing sector (which I view as disgusting as far as a reason to vote for someone) then why did GW Bush, who was elected with a booming economy, then start 2 wars, leave office after 8 years losing nearly 500,000 jobs a month, with the economy in ruins?