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I noticed that my former friend unblocked me on Facebook. Should I contact her? - Printable Version

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I noticed that my former friend unblocked me on Facebook. Should I contact her? - Huh?! - 11-20-2013 06:37 PM

A friend and I had a falling-out a little over a year ago over Facebook that caused her to block me and stop speaking to me. I sent her an apology note a few months ago on an alternate account that I use for charity work and received no answer. Now, I noticed that she unblocked me. She did not add me. Should I contact her? Should I add her as a friend? What would you do?

- Taylor - 11-20-2013 06:40 PM

Ask yourself if you really want her as a friend and if the answer is yes then go for it. Worst she could do is not add you.

- Ryan - 11-20-2013 06:52 PM

No, walk away.

- anu2471 - 11-20-2013 06:59 PM

Who is blocked you once, you must avoid her.

- James - 11-20-2013 07:02 PM

If someone blocks you then unblocks you then chances are they forgive you. It's worth a gamble but explain how you feel and offer something. Don't take advantage and spam her with messages of desperation or get angry, there is a time and a place for everything, other things you have to take risks and accept the possibility of a bad outcome and what that outcome might be. take the plunge, one of my motto's is it's better to do something than absolutely nothing, even if it seems in vain, effort counts. Either learn from the experience or be glad it leads to something special, you can't lose anything more than hope in this type of situation

- Daniel - 11-20-2013 07:14 PM

its Possible She may Forgive you Give it a Try and Send A Friend Request and Send a message See What Happens

- Naughty - 11-20-2013 07:26 PM

No need of any Sorry. Just go away them dear!