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How can I find out if someone is fake? - Printable Version

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How can I find out if someone is fake? - India - 11-20-2013 08:36 PM

My friend is in a relationship with this girl, but every time he asks if they can meet up, or cam, or even send pictures, she point blank refuses. I think it's because she's using someone else's pictures. How can I find out if I'm right?

- David - 11-20-2013 08:44 PM

There's software they use not hat show catfish that allows you to see if someone else has those pictures. Anyway that's the only way reall or look at her friends on Facebook and find someone kind of ugly and that could be them

- Khalekuzzaman - 11-20-2013 08:56 PM

1 see . How many friend then photos . If he or she have up to 1500 , it may be fake.

- Kittysue - 11-20-2013 09:06 PM

She's a catfish. Period. And your friend is an idiot if he can't see this
A real girl would ALWAYS insist on a video chat to make sure HE is not fake or an old dude pretending to be a younger guy
The ONLY reason why someone would refuse a video chat or face to face meeting is because they are NOT who they claim to be. Period. Every single episode of Catfish could have been avoided if the victim had only insisted on a video chat within the first week. I can't believe anyone would continue chatting longer than a week with someone they had never seen on cam with all of the scammers and perverts out there
Have him say that if she won't have a Skype video chat within the next 24 hours then he is cutting off all contact and filing a police report. If she's real, she will find a way to have a video chat
And how can you have a relationship with someone you've never even met or seen on cam? A relationship means you go out on actual dates with each other
If your friend is a teenage boy, this "girl" is usually some 50 year old man getting off chatting with young boys by pretending to be a teen girl. Any real girl would want to have a video chat

- rocko - 11-20-2013 09:17 PM

profile picture is carton so you gauze a some real.

- corncrake - 11-20-2013 09:29 PM

Google her and the info she's given so far to see if anything connects. Or just "friend" her on fb it's amazing how some people just add others without knowing them just to look more popular and you'll get access to her friend list and photos (tagging can tell you a hell of alot about someone).