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Stalker ex girlfriend on my Facebook and i don't know how? - Printable Version

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Stalker ex girlfriend on my Facebook and i don't know how? - Pop Punk Master - 11-20-2013 09:34 PM

She made the email for me. She doesn't know the email password or facebook password and i know this for a FACT. She even said she didn't, she won't tell me how she gets some of my messages. She doesn't get whole conversations, just fragments. It is really starting to worry me and I honestly do not want to make a new one. Anyone have a clue on how she gets on it?

- dark_eco_freak2000 - 11-20-2013 09:41 PM

It's quite possible that you have an easy question on your email account and therefor she has acces to your mails where she can find the information she requires.

However a better move is not to worry how this happened but how this can be avoided. I suggest to change all your passwords and questions to recover that password.