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Why is "The Rightwing Conservative" so stupid? - Printable Version

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Why is "The Rightwing Conservative" so stupid? - Reason - 10-13-2012 02:24 PM

On his profile he says this:

"The Founding Fathers envisioned America to be a nation in a state of perpetual war. We should be invading a country a minimum of once every 5 years. The fact that Obama refused to send in a land invasion in to Libya of 200,000 troops, is proof that he hates our troops. Our troops need to be in harms way, because if it isn't them dealing with the IEDs, then we'll be dealing with IEDs at home in America."

-The Founding Fathers didn't envision America as a state of perpetual war? If they did, then why did George Washing, John Adams, or Thomas Jefferson start a war in their presidencies? Since when did they make America a land of war instead of a nation of "Liberty, Justice, and the Pursuit Jefferson" -Thomas Jefferson (you know, that one guy who was probably the most influential Founding Father)
-"We should be invading a country a minimum of once every 5 years." WTF? We weren't made to invade nations, we were meant to be the land of free & the refuge place for immigrants!
-"The fact that Obama refused to send in a land invasion in to Libya of 200,000 troops, is proof that he hates our troops." What? Sending soldiers NOT to war, saving many American lives, means he hates American Troops? Thats like saying Hitler loved Jews because he sent them to the holocaust! I'm sure he hates automotive-workers too, those 1.5 million workers saved by the auto-bailout must be furious with Obama
-"Our troops need to be in harms way, because if it isn't them dealing with the IEDs, then we'll be dealing with IEDs at home in America." You are just a war-hungry fascist, aren't you? Judging from your picture (which is the Reichsadler from Nazi Germany, but with an upsidedown Republican elephant), your lust for war and death, and wanting to invade a nation every five years leads me to this: You are a neo-nazi dumba$$!

You call Obama: "Muslim Kenyan Socialist Nazi Marxist Fascist Communist, and he eats a hamburger with Dijon Mustard:
-Obama isn't a Muslim. Obama supports Gay Rights & Abortion, 2 SINS in Islam. Since when do Muslims say they aren't Muslim? Thats against their religion!
-Obama isn't Kenyan. No, his Mother is a white girl from Kansas!
-Obama isn't a socialist. Obama is on the same political graph side as Socialist, but that doesn't mean he is a socialist. The United States is a complete capitalism, it sits at a point between Socialism and Capitalism.
-Obama isn't a nazi. Obama doesn't follow the teachings of the Nazis, thats you! Obama doesn't discriminate against Jews, he doesn't want to invade a nation every 5 years (like you), he in fact ended the Iraq War and is ending the war in Afghanistan (which will be over by 2014). Nazis envisioned "Blonde-Hair Blue-eyed Germans as the perfect race. Does Obama look even 75% German to you??? Also, even though the Nazis called themselves "socialist", every single scholar agrees they were a right-wing party (like you, & unlike Obama), Read about the "Night of the Long Knives" to determine what happened to any remaining revolutionary of leftist sympathies in the so-called "National Socialist" movement. Read in MEIN KAMPF how Hitler felt about "social democrats" (socialists in the genuine sense) and "Bolsheviks". Please stop talking about yourself, Mr. Adolf Jr
Obama is not a Marxist: Obama’s proposals are well within the republican tradition, well within the classical liberal tradition, and well within the free-market tradition. You might question the wisdom of particular aspects of his policies given current economic conditions. Or argue that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to raise taxes now when we can borrow cheaply. But calling the President a Marxist only exposes the speaker’s ignorance of Marxism, the history of capitalist countries, and President Obama.
Obama is not a fascist. Do you even know what a fascist is? Is Obama a White-Fascist? He's half-black! Is Obama a Black-Fascist? He's half-white! defines a fascist as "a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views", Obama is not a dictator, he won power by election, he does not have right-wing views, he's a liberal! He has left-views!
Obama is not a communist. If Obama is a communist, then how come I earn my pay-check from my employer, not from Obama? You just claim that Obama is a fascist, meaning he has extreme-right views, now your claiming he's a communist with extreme-left views! Can you say "oxymoron"?

Don't get me started on your answers to questions. You are simply a neo-nazi idiot, please go back to the nest you were hatched in you skinhead.

- aryan - 10-13-2012 02:32 PM

go get a job dude and lay off the doobs.

- Gunny - 10-13-2012 02:32 PM

WE--told that guy a long time ago that he needed a dictionary...

- Whatever4 - 10-13-2012 02:32 PM

He's a troll. Most of us realized that quite a while ago.