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Bush tried to base Social Security on the stock market in 2005, how well would that have worked? - Printable Version

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Bush tried to base Social Security on the stock market in 2005, how well would that have worked? - Carl Marks - 10-13-2012 02:30 PM

Not only would we have an economic crash right now, but you'd have old people freezing, starving and dying on the streets.

So, I guess as bad as Bush left wasn't as bad as it could have been.

- Toughscarecrow863 - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

Clinton wanted the same and he tried to do it. It was the best idea that Clinton ever had.

- gitrdoneobama - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

Good ol' trickle-UP economics.

- JohnS - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

Ive brought this up on a half dozen boards where I post. Repubs dont want to talk about it.

- JohnS - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

The Republican Party since Barry Goldwater was all about a particular agenda. Sometimes it's called Movement Conservatism. It is committed to undoing the New Deal. They are anti-union, anti 'welfare state' and especially the crowning glory of the New Deal, Social Security. If we had privatized 1/6 of SS as Bush wanted, it would have led to SS being phased out altogether in a few years for lack of funding. Bush never explained how we would make up the shortfall of shunting 1/6 of FICA payments into private accounts.

Fortunately, the idea was a non-starter even with Bush's 'base'. President Eisenhower was the one who called SS the 'third rail of politics'. Even Ronald Reagan wasn't dumb enough to try to privatize SS.

- chinablix - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

Me: But to put our investments on our future in the stock market is folly, what if it is to take a nose dive.

Privatization of SS pundit: The stock market will continue to rise. Besides, if they lose money that can only be blamed on being irresponsible and not doing proper research.

Me: But the market can be volatile and to wade through all the information to come to an informed decision, when much of that information is based on future speculation is not such a wise idea, wouldn't you agree?

Privatization of SS pundit: Isn't that what the government does? By having more control we can make our money grow faster.

Me: You ignore that the government hedges that on very safe and secure futures, whereas the public can take more risk.

Privatization of SS pundit: There is no risk if you are smart.

Privatization of SS pundit: (silence)


- dnafairy - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

It was always a choice, and it didnt have to be stock. Even after this crash I still would rather have a larger IRA than social security.