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To what has new social media effected the individual ? - Printable Version

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To what has new social media effected the individual ? - Stella - 10-13-2012 02:38 PM

I have sociology and one of the questions we had to work on was this and i have no clue about the media and i have to write a whole essay on it... can anyone give me a few ideas to start my essay on?

- Tj - 10-13-2012 02:46 PM

I have a couple suggestions for your essay.
One based on a topic we covered in my Child development class>> The effects of media on sexuality.
> keep in mind media includes commercials, TV programs, Cartoons, movies, magazines, Newspapers, advertisement, even music.
> Also we covered obesity, and health issues.> How the media works or can be used as a tool to profit.
> Also great to compare how media has changed in past 20-30 yrs- example would be language, nudity, types of content or commercials(never would there have been anything inter- racial, gay, or even very few minorities at all or commercials about STD's, or that showed violence. Couples used to sleep in separate beds. Even Cartoons, wow!! that is huge.
> Not to mention that many parents use media to babysit their children, as well as teach, and often they do not monitor the violence, language, or message it gives.
> The changes in media has dramatically changed war, too> Again the need to compare the past to the present to help understand the impact. ( Not that you can believe what is reported or not?? )

I hope this has helped with ideas for your essay and good luck.

All of these, if you google, you will find a huge list of articles and web-sites for. Just type in key words and or shuffle the order.

All of these are exactly what your class assignment is all about and easily offer more than enough information to cover your essay.
>great and easy to include random interviews with people, especially considering the older the more dramatic the change has been.