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How do you get more twitter followers? - Printable Version

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How do you get more twitter followers? - Patrick - 11-22-2013 04:52 PM

- Ballerina - 11-22-2013 05:08 PM

1. Make your Twitter presence visible. Link to your Twitter account from Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and your blog, as well as in your business and personal email signatures, depending on whom you want to reach. How else will your friends and close contacts know to follow you? Make sure you create an active hyperlink and not just flat text.

2. Show your face. Uploading a photo that shows your face can result in ten times as many followers. Don't you want to know the real person behind the Twitter accounts you follow? Other people do, too.

3. Name your area of expertise or interest in your bio. If you want more Twitter followers, you have to give people a reason to follow you. You need a theme, such as an area of expertise or interest. Succinctly name that theme in your Twitter bio.

4. Give a city name. Name your city or region in your profile. That way, if you discuss local issues, businesses, or events, people know where you are.

5. Add value. The real idea behind this point is don't post garbage. To build your reputation on Twitter, you and your posts need to add value. You have to give people something they won't find elsewhere. Value can't be measured objectively, so you have to think about what's valuable—interesting, compelling, humorous, helpful, informative—to your followers based on your theme. The more you add context, information, advice, and smart analysis, the more people will see you and your tweets as adding value.

6. Use theme hashtags. One way new Twitter followers might find you is by searching for a term or hashtag. If your theme is marketing, include "#marketing" in some of your tweets and anyone searching for that term will see your posts. Whatever keywords relate to your theme, turn them into hashtags. Don't use a hashtag every single time you tweet. Reserve the hashtags for your best content (say, top 10 to 25 percent) of the 80 percent of tweets that are on topic.

7. Jump on trending hashtags. When there's one that fits your topic of interest, it's a great opportunity to say something witty or insightful. People interested in that topic will see your tweet and will be enticed to hear what else you have to say. Additionally, some conferences and events will designate a hashtag for attendees. Use it! The people who read these posts already have a shared interest with you, and if they like what you have to say, they'll follow you.

8. Engage with @s. Another way to get people's attention is to engage with them. Use @s to ask questions, respond to things others have asked, comment when people post their opinions, and so on. Engage with people (sincerely, responsibly, and respectfully, of course), and they'll often follow you.

9. Compliment people. Flattery will get you everywhere. Say nice things to people (by using the @ symbol before their name). Compliment their insight, courage, wit, or sense of humor. Being nice online goes a long way, especially on Twitter. It usually earns you some respect, too. And if you want to grow your Twitter followers over the longer term, without spamming tactics, people have to respect you. You don't have to say much: "Great article! Thanks for sharing." "Darling photo!" "Your profile made me laugh. Love it."

What do Twitter users consider “not worth reading?” According to the research, the following:

Cryptic tweets
Repeating old news
Using too many # and @ signs
Just links without commentary
Boring tweets

So try to avoid tweeting those!

Tweet well and tweet often. Selective followers will also glance at your most recent tweets to see if you're worth following.

You should have a minimum of one post per day and ideally two posts per day to maximize your account. Talk about your hobbies and interests, share a piece of insightful advice, or post a photo of something cool to switch it up.
Be interesting, transparent and provocative. Share intimate news about your life. If you can spin a good story, you might get readers addicted to the daily dramas of your everyday life.
Post multimedia. Switching things up with pictures, videos and even sound clips here and there can make your posts more fun to follow.
Follow people who follow people that are like you. If you're a tarot fanatic, for example, find another tarot fanatic who has many followers. Follow those followers. If it's clear in your bio and your tweets that you're a tarot enthusiast, they're more likely to follow you.

Good luck!