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does facebook know what i am searching? - Printable Version

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does facebook know what i am searching? - Neha - 11-22-2013 05:02 PM

Yesterday i saw in my news field a suggested post related to a dedicated web hosting site. I was surprised by this as me or any of my friends are not related to web hosting or any other thing related to internet......i am a commerce student and all my friends are of this background only.
But what made me suspicious is the fact that i was actually searching about web-hosting for last two days.(which i have never done before in my life.)....n i was particularly searching for a special type of web host with very high bandwidth ......and that's what facebook is showing me now......................I never searched on facebook or liked any page related to this on facebook....but my facebook is always on when i am googling other stuff in new-tab

- Eric A - 11-22-2013 05:15 PM

Facebook is analyzing all your activities.... Probably reads your cookies, to, to see where you've been.

If you want to browse completely anonymously, look into TOR.

Its free and effective....

- Inda Cloud - 11-22-2013 05:20 PM

All of your activities are tracked on the internet. It starts with your ISP, which keeps a log of everywhere you go. Every single website you hit keeps a log of their users' activities (the server itself has a copy too, this is parsed out to every site on the server.) Every widget on every single site tracks you as well, whether it's for informational purposes or advertising purposes.

All social networks and search engines track you.

- Joseph - 11-22-2013 05:35 PM

Nothing you do over the Internet is private. Every website you visit keeps track of you through your IP Address and tracking cookies that they have in place. Facebook is no different.

The only way you can be safe from being tracked is by using a proxy server to change your IP address and by deleting the cookies every time you go on line.