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Did i just see a doppleganger or going crazy? - Printable Version

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Did i just see a doppleganger or going crazy? - Alex - 11-23-2013 07:15 PM

Ok, i have no clue if this has ever happened to anyone. I havent been myself for 2 days, i really need an explanation.

Ok so 2 days ago I was at my uncles house, he lives alone but was working. So I'm chillin there and felt a little tired, so I decided to smoke a bowl of weed before I knockout. I hit it twice, then I wake up and my heads on the kitchen table. (I'm guessing I went to sleep) Then my uncle walks into the house and I say hi like always but he just stares and keeps walking. I keep trying to talk to him but he continues to stare and walk till he gets to his room. I thought he was joking, so I get up and walk towards his door and I see an empty room. I froze in fear, not knowing what to think. Then, I hear a car door and the front door opens, I run over to see who it is and it was my uncle!

I've always heard from ppl that everyone has a double, aka a dopplegänger. I haven't felt like myself since this happened, I've been really uncomfortable around people and I'm just not myself. I feel different.

- Unca Alby - 11-23-2013 07:19 PM

lay off the weed for a couple of weeks and see if things improve.

(that stuff is known to sometimes make people a little paranoid)

- Angeleyes - 11-23-2013 07:28 PM

l think that you shouldn't smoke weed for a long time, it obviously is playing havoc with your mind.