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Do we need a Category just for Social Media? - Printable Version

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Do we need a Category just for Social Media? - QueryJ - 10-13-2012 03:08 PM

Does Yahoo Answers need a social media category? What do you think?
I asked questions about social media and people seemed interested, but had to ask in many categories. I only asked about texting.... but what about social media use to find a job, connect in business, etc., connect in education, etc.. There are many interesting questions..

-Why do people text? Do you know why?
According to a recent news story texting while driving still continues, so a hands free device has been created to make it "safer." They ask the question: Why do people text? Do you have an answer?

Here are their responses:
Safety: hands free texting not useful, most people are dodging a response, it's easier to text, texting keeps you from interrupting other people, people are lonely
Consumer Electronics: fun, fast, convenient quick answers
Family: confusing and unsafe, no one wants to communicate anymore, privacy, unsafe while driving
Culture: Lack of judgment, don't want to hear the reaction, it's a trend, texting lets you say things you wouldn't say outloud (???) it's just fun
-Other questions asked: Do we need hands free texting?
Law: 2 no, 0 yes (unsafe)
Safety: 4 no, 0 yes (unsafe)
Family: no response yet
Cellphones: 1 yes (better sex)
Should texting and driving be illegal in every state?
In Law: 3 yes, 1 no, 1 neutral
In Safety: 1 yes, 1 no
In Family: 6 yes, 0 no

Does Texting influence people in their relationships?
Society: 2 N
Socity Other: 2 Y
Family: 3 Y

Does Texting have an effect on Reading Habits? On Answers?
Advertising: 3Y 3N
Law & Ethics: 2Y 2N

Does Texting Cause People to Read out of Context:
Education 1 Y
Family Don't Know

Additional Details: What do you think?
Would people like to discuss social media? How to make the best use of social media, how it can help a person find a job, or meet new people, find out new information, connect in school, etc?

Other Notes:
So far people say Facebook creates enough questions on its own, and that social media is a great idea for a new category... Another person said that Social Media promotes new ideas...

Asked in Yahoo Products, Social Science, Advertising and Marketing, (where social media discussions are major query), Education, etc...

- dannyboy2111 - 10-13-2012 03:16 PM

We do Need More Catagorys But Seprate Tho because if we put it in one catagory all togather it would be hard to get answers towards one network