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Should I get an instagram? Pros and Cons of this? - Printable Version

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Should I get an instagram? Pros and Cons of this? - Kevin - 11-24-2013 05:44 AM

- Sherwin - 11-24-2013 05:59 AM

If u want. It can make u more popular (if tht matters) or help u keep in touch with others.

Pros: u can follow ur friends and u keep in touch with ppl.
Its more popuar than facebook/other social media, so u will most likely see info from ur friends.

Cons: The pictures may make u feel insecure because u can feel like ur friends have such better social lives than u
It can take up a lot of ur time/be addicting.

Its up to u! I personally think its worth it, but its ur choice.

- Alexandra - 11-24-2013 06:12 AM


Pros: Instagram is a good way to share photos that you have taken and that you are proud of with family and friends. It's also a way to share a bit about yourself with strangers and to show them a bit of the world through your eyes.

Cons: You need to be careful what you post. You want to share, but you don't want strangers to know too much about you because there are creepy people in this world. You don't want to leave yourself open for rude comments or having your pictures shared on sites that are a bit nasty.

One more con is that now that Facebook owns Instagram, you leave your pictures open to be sold to the highest bidder to be used for advertising. Facebook makes money on this, but you do not.

As long as you're careful in what you post, you should be fine. Just before posting anything, ask yourself if that photo could be used for something other than what you intended it to be used for.

Good luck!

- Oscar - 11-24-2013 06:26 AM

lol its lame just pictures