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My boyfriend of 2 years blocked me on facebook? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend of 2 years blocked me on facebook? - Tru - 11-24-2013 06:17 AM

I have to keep calling and calling my boyfriend and he won't answer, so I get on facebook and see that he responds or talk to every one else, so basically he ignores me. So I put up a status that obviously gets his attention it said "once I stop caring about you that's it" so 3 minutes later I get a phone call from him, I didn't answer so he calls 12 more times ( I didn't answer). He sends a msgs that's said "ok play your lil game u wont hear from me anymore. Then he calls 6 more times. I get on fb to see that he blocked me. Am I wrong for ignoring him? I'm always quick to answer his calls. We are both 22

- roundgeese366 - 11-24-2013 06:27 AM

Seriously, what in the world does this has to do with computers?

- Moose - 11-24-2013 06:31 AM

It's obvious that he wants space from you, but not to lose you altogether. Sounds like you both need to mature a bit and you need to decide if you want to stay in a relationship with someone who ignores you. Are you perhaps bothering him by not giving him any breathing room ?

- Rara Lynn - 11-24-2013 06:40 AM

he is being a asshole 1.for ignoring you 2.for blocking you ... he is being immature.. Both of you are wrong , you because you ignored his phone call after 12 times lol and now look where it got you BLOCKED .. you both are grown and can talk things out

- kyswagga - 11-24-2013 06:52 AM

Sounds like one of you are going to have to be the bigger person and try talking out your problems instead of seeing who can piss who off more. You are putting yourselves in a loose loose situation. Nothing will get solved this way.

- C J - 11-24-2013 06:56 AM

Then BLOCK him.