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I can't unfriend, block, or delete their posts on facebook? - Printable Version

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I can't unfriend, block, or delete their posts on facebook? - Allie - 11-24-2013 06:29 AM

I was just on my facebook and I friended this person that I thought I might know. One day later they posted something on my timeline and it was weird, so I decided to delete it, but it said that there was an error. I tried to unfriend this person, but the same thing happen. It also happened when I tried to block them. Does anyone know what is happening?

- rahabi - 11-24-2013 06:44 AM

Guyx Please dont Worry Smile

its just a matter of few hours Smile

Guys Facebook is Updateing now, Please wait for few hours,

Facebook Expected Updates in Next 12 hours :

-Most of the Fake id gonna disable.

-Ids with single name or invisible name will be disable.

-Voice Message Feature Will Be Enabled.

-Post Reach Gonna Increase in Facebook Pages.

-Log in Error Will be fixed , as many of users are already experiencing log in invalid error since past few days.

-Facebook Flash new's : Fb getting closed within 7 hrs for all

Fake accounts are verifying by B.P.M.B ( London )

It's a Fb official Managers committee. Within 30 minutes.

- Mordecai - 11-24-2013 06:46 AM

A lot of websites do this occasionally, either because of updating or maintenance issues. It should get back to normal within the next 24 hours. You could also shoot Facebook an Email, but it's probably best to wait it out.

Until then, just ignore the person. Don't respond to them and delete them as soon as Facebook is up and running again.