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I updated my employment and it created a post on my newsfeed. I didnt want that? - Printable Version

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I updated my employment and it created a post on my newsfeed. I didnt want that? - Rsunmoonn - 11-25-2013 12:59 AM

Hi, I edited my employment history to add a job I had ten years ago. Facebook automatically created a post to my newsfeed. I didn't want that to happen. I am currently unemployed and looking for a job. I don't want all my contacts thinking I'm employed.

I don't see the post on my newsfeed but my friends say it is there. Does anyone know how to remove that posting or adjust the settings so posts are not created when I update my profile.


- Nancy - 11-25-2013 01:08 AM

Why would you even want to add a job to your profile that you had 10 years ago? This is one of the problems with people using social media; they enter way too much information! This was unnecessary.

You can delete the job from your profile, but it will still be on your timeline. Your timeline is a history of your life and you can't delete history.

Also, just so you know, a lot of employers don't like to have their employees have employment information on any social media. It's best to just leave that blank. The same is true for relationship statuses. Relationships come and go. Don't update that until you are married.