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How to hide profile pics on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to hide profile pics on facebook? - mina - 11-25-2013 10:59 AM

I know that you can't hide your profile picture on fb and that's public for all to see so you can be searched. That's not what I'm asking. What I want to know is how to rid of (or hide) all the older profile pics I have on my page?? I noticed that while most of my pics are kept private, my profile pics aren't. Anyone from public can see all the profile pics I posted from the past....and I don't want them to be able to see that. I don't mind if my friends see it and wanna still keep up the pics, so I don't wanna remove them all,So is there a way I can just hide them from the public??

I am able to do this with all of my other pics, except my profile pic.

Also, I don't get how come some people are able to show nothing on their page while mine has a lot of stuff shown to public. I want to keep the stuff....but not as something anyone looking me up can see without me adding them as a friend. Please can someone help me out with this???? Any tips and detailed info is very much appreciated!

- Sherlin - 11-25-2013 11:05 AM

Check out your privacy settings.. you can hide anything and everything from the people you want.. Also, there is a setting to make yourself not search-able even through the email id.
To hide your profile pictures - you can simply make the picture visible to your friends/custom/no one from the icon placed below the date in the right side of the picture.
Hope this helps!

- money - 11-25-2013 11:15 AM

you can change your settings so that you are not searcheable on the web. As for the profile pictures, you can go to your profile --> Photos --> Albums --> Profile Pictures. When you get there, you can set the visibility settings on each and every picture. Just click on the picture so it opens it in the big viewer. Then under your name, you will see a "public" icon, click on it to change the visibility for that pic.

One curious thing is that I could not find a way to change the visibility setting for the whole album, I have to do it for each picture... Hope I answered your question.

- Daniel - 11-25-2013 11:26 AM

Go to Individual Profile Pictures Under your Name There is a Box Click on it than Set it to Me Only if you Want to Set it to Private Or Set it to Friends Only There is No Way To Keep it Away From the Public Without Changing the Privacy Setting