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What's the purpose of 'following' someone on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What's the purpose of 'following' someone on Facebook? - Jayjay - 11-25-2013 11:57 AM

I have a lot of followers on Facebook, but as my posts are friends-only they can't see what's the point?

- Computers - 11-25-2013 12:09 PM

Basically it's for people who don't have you added as a friend, they can still keep up to date with you without having to add you.

- chimera - 11-25-2013 12:13 PM

whoever follows you wouldn't know you have alot of posts as friends only.. most people that follow I think just want to keep tabs on a person.. maybe certain information that is public more so than posts.. relationship status, current city, things like that. Even your photos or cover photos. These people may be hoping that you will post the occasional public post? who knows really, there's alot of creepy people on the internet.
haha, says the random from the internet (oh the irony)
Facebook is a stalkers playground though. just be careful what your settings are for everything if it is of concern, also just in case you dont already know, you can see what your page looks like to the public, to check if you feel it is private enough. you can also stop people following you.