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How to get someone to shut up on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get someone to shut up on Facebook? - Jonty - 11-25-2013 03:19 PM

So, there's this girl who keeps bothering me on Facebook, she always like my statuses, comments on them and talks to me, and I'm busy all of the time now with Bodybuilding, Rugby Training, Martial Arts, Cross-Country and Track and Field, she says 'Hi xxxx', 'Oh sorry, am I bothering you' and she won't fucking stop, I don't fancy her and in real life she ignores me, what the fuck is going on?

- Drfrg - 11-25-2013 03:32 PM

why do you even care? its not even effecting your life? just calm down maybe she likes you. youll have no chance in life if you make somthing like THIS a problem for yourself.

- Irene c - 11-25-2013 03:35 PM

Just tell her politely or ignore her. Sheesh.

- ducky - 11-25-2013 03:51 PM

Hit the delete and block button

- oaklely - 11-25-2013 03:52 PM

Block her go into F/B settings and block her!! Simple

- Jaylon - 11-25-2013 04:00 PM

If she's pretty then don't worry but if she's a fucking fagg0tor b1tch then block her.

- Christine - 11-25-2013 04:07 PM

I would first try sending her a message asking politely to stop bothering you, and if that doesn't work, then I would block her.

- rjhfocus77 - 11-25-2013 04:20 PM

block her

- straightcamp866 - 11-25-2013 04:28 PM

Tbh I'm a really nice person so I wouldn't just block her immediately. I would try to indirectly "give her the message". If she asks if she's bothering you just say "oh in just really busy ALL week so I don't have time to chat on Fb, bye" and DONT chat with her otherwise she will think you want to talk to her, instead give an excuse and she should eventually "get the message". If it gets really bad than just say stfu you're so annoying and block her. Hope this helped! Smile