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How to stop my dad from seeing my photos? - Printable Version

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How to stop my dad from seeing my photos? - luna - 11-25-2013 05:39 PM

I still want to be able to fb chat to him though

- pri✍ - 11-25-2013 05:45 PM

Set the audience setting to Custom* for/on
• album you created yourself;
• each pic that already exist in Timeline & Mobile Upload album;
• status update as necessary when you upload pic that you don't want to be seen by your father; remember though every status update will then set with that audience setting until your change it; or
• put your father in Restricted List so he can only see what you did with Public setting, ie you public post/sharing, your comments/like on Public posting by others.

Use your discretion to choose which & when to apply, which & when not to apply, so you still feed your father about things you don't mind he knows & thus not making him suspious.

*Set Custom with "Share to All Friend", and put your father's FB name in "Not Share with".

Good luck with the hide & seek with your father!