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How do I get back original settings? - Printable Version

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How do I get back original settings? - CharlaH - 11-25-2013 07:04 PM

Turned on computer, all my settings, etc. are gone.

- Bruce - 11-25-2013 07:14 PM

Hi, I try to educate so many people with the same old problem but it seems to go in one ear and out of the other...ALWAYS BACKUP your system files I really don't know how many times I have to tell people. I am sorry if I sound a bit harsh but I get this every singal week. If you have not made a backup and restore point then you have obviousely turned off the auto backup assistant. This automaticly backs up your computer. It is located in Acce etc. OK how do you get out of this mess. you can buy a new copy of windows seven. If your laptop came with it already installed and it is less that 12 months old then contact the place where you had it from. Some where on your PC you will find some numbers. Model serial etc. They will ask you for these numbers. they may ask you for permittion to access your PC remotly and put it back to the factory settings.