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How to hide your facebook profile from 'find friends'? - Printable Version

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How to hide your facebook profile from 'find friends'? - Sam - 11-26-2013 02:01 AM

I dont want some people searching for me as a friend on facebook. Also how would i be able to turn it off if i decided i dont want the setting on after a while

- Smily “/” - 11-26-2013 02:12 AM

Try To Block Who You Want .. If You Wanna Return 'em Back .. Just UNblock =)

- REZA - 11-26-2013 02:19 AM

u can turn off / offline your facebook account, u can go back turn on facebook account

- pri✍ - 11-26-2013 02:25 AM

You can't hide, unless you deactivate your account.
To do that, go to Account Settings ➤ Privacy ➤ click Deactivate at the bottom. To reactivate, just log in again.

- DiMaZ D - 11-26-2013 02:40 AM

the block is function for stopping people you don't to look you up

if you want other people not in your friend list find you:

go to setting >privacy setting > choose who can look me up

there is two option there

1. who can look up using email address and phone number you provided> click on edit link to make only people you want to find you, friend, friend of friend, or everyone
2. do you want other search engine to find you > this option give you profile to be find when people looking your name on other search engine such as google and yahoo
choose edit and uncheck the option if you don't want

hope this help you

- Bkrayzay - 11-26-2013 02:50 AM

Here it is cut and dry with nothing too extra:

Account settings>Privacy>"who can contact me", as well as "who can look me up"

you can fix it easily that way 100% guaranteed!

- Greg Johnson - 11-26-2013 02:59 AM

Facebook just a few days back removed that option of users being able to choose not to appear in searches by strangers. Now all the public info of your profile will be visible to anyone who searches for you.