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Should i stop using Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should i stop using Facebook? - Coolguy11 - 11-26-2013 04:21 PM

I feel facebook makes me depressed.
For example, nobody says happy birthday to me except my family.

Therefore, i need people to tell me happy birthday on facebook, but out of 300 friends, only 6 of them who i don't even know well, post on my facebook for fun which pisses me off. How could all my friends betray me??

Also, the perfect, pretty face girls make me depressed cuz i have pimples all over me and it makes me furious.......

If i stop using facebook, will it help me become more optimistic?
i don't think anythings goin to change if i stop facebook

- Harbringer - 11-26-2013 04:36 PM

If it makes you unhappy, why are you asking yahoo answers?

And on the technical level, facebook is really bad because it fills your web browsers and your computers and your preferences with all this bad stuff

not only that, but people can know all about you instantly

so yeah, get rid of it

- Kale - 11-26-2013 04:51 PM

You are too dependant on the social media, networks to realise, that friends are real, i never get a happy birthday, doesnt mean my friends betray me

Just see how long you can live without socialist technology

- Sadie - 11-26-2013 04:52 PM

well you have answered your own question then in the last line haven't you??

- Jane - 11-26-2013 05:08 PM

Facebook pisses me off too! Because I see people constantly posting hot pics of themselves and I cant because I have pimples too.. but I dont really care cuz I have accepted that I am not one of THEM, not a social butterfly, not popular, total zero!

Solution: noone wishes you on ur bday, so just turn off the bday reminder, so u will not feel bad cuz its turned off so how wud people remember right?

Noone 'likes' your status, so just stop updating your status.

Pretty girls posting pictures u say.. well good for them and entertaining for you, just watch them grow old and fat.

So, I dont think not being on fb would make you optimistic, you will miss people's updates, people fighting on their updates, funny jokes n stuff, u dont hv to participate just watch from the sidelines..

- SPYDERBLADE - 11-26-2013 05:09 PM

It's entirely up to you.