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Can a message on Facebook about a business opportunity be real or fake? - Printable Version

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Can a message on Facebook about a business opportunity be real or fake? - Matthew - 11-27-2013 08:15 AM

So a guy messaged me on Facebook about him needing a few more people for his own business and ask me to attend an orientation for information if I want in. He told me it was going to be in a conference room at a mall hotel which kinda sounds legit since its somewhere public instead of some old street or worse. He said its an online Networking business, run GPO(dont know the abbreviation) by basically helping major companies such as bestbuy, sears, omaha steaks and even Apple transition there business online rather then in store, they get paid a percentage of the total volume created. He also said its not a regular 9-5 job, its a legitimate business opportunity, takes about 3-5hrs a week. He added me on Facebook and I looked at some of his pics and information and it looks kinda legit, but I don't want to have it risky. Does anyone ever got a message like this or think its actually real?

- rjhfocus77 - 11-27-2013 08:27 AM

sounds like a scam

- Daniel - 11-27-2013 08:33 AM

Most of the Time Messages Like Those Are Scams i Would Not Fall For it i Would Just Delete it

- Kittysue - 11-27-2013 08:44 AM

NOBODY contacts random people on Facebook about a business opportunity. If anything were real, you'd go to their office, not a room at a hotel where you have NO idea if they are even a legitimate business or not
Think about it - if there were money to be made, why would he EVER contact strangers to inform them? He'd want to keep this secret and only tell his closest friends and family

NEVER respond to anyone who randomly contacts you on Facebook. Delete the message and unfriend him right away. And make sure your profile is set to Private so they can't contact you to begin with