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Do I have to join a sorority? - Printable Version

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Do I have to join a sorority? - Ittybitty - 11-27-2013 08:27 AM

I recently found out that one of my close guy friend who moved away for university joined a sorority. I was completely in shock. I was always though joining a sorority is like signing up for a cult where you get bossed around and become random people's b**ches just for a title you will never need.

I feel that the whole process of joining a sorority was founded for people who don't have any confidence in themselves and depend on weird cult like clubs to build relationships with other human being. Personally, I could not stand being told what to do and I don't find it appealing to become close to someone just because they're part of the same club as me. In my opinion, there's so much more that goes into picking friends than just being part of the same sorority, including interest, personality, values etc.

I researched into this question, but it doesn't say anywhere if it's a common thing for university students to join a sorority. Just on average, how many people do you think join sororities in university, and does it really matter if you don't want to be in one?

I want to go to university to learn. Friends are important to me but I don't want to dedicate too much time on them. In the end, I want to become successful rather than live in an odd cult like fantasy.
Also, I'm not trying to offend any of you cult people. I'm in my senior year of high school and I'm still trying to find out more about these things.

- xander - 11-27-2013 08:40 AM

well first off if your friend is a GUY then he joined a fraternity not a sorority. and the whole cult things is just in the movies. and no you dont have to join them. they are just another option for people.

- Creature - 11-27-2013 08:54 AM

a guy friend joined a sorority? sorority are typically for females while fraternities are for males.
people join sororities because they feel that they'll find a connection and common interests with others within the communities. all are different of course. some are there for emotional, mental and friendly support. many get together and help one another study. it really depends on the sorority/fraternity and school itself.
there is no set rule that says you HAVE to join one when you get to university. they usually have greek rushes where they try to recruit members. you by no means have to join but there's no harm in looking into one.

- rjhfocus77 - 11-27-2013 09:03 AM

no, because it's upto you