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What do you think of Facebook? - Printable Version

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What do you think of Facebook? - A A - 11-27-2013 12:12 PM

- Dan Tully - 11-27-2013 12:18 PM

I don't think of facebook

- Dave87gn - 11-27-2013 12:21 PM

I use it..but hate the way its run and how its layed out

- OoohooO - 11-27-2013 12:24 PM

nowadays its filled with crap i dont really see statuses just vine vids

- SPYDERBLADE - 11-27-2013 12:40 PM

I enjoy it, and use it every day.

- Emma - 11-27-2013 12:45 PM

Personally, I hate it with a passion. My reasoning behind this is that my son was bullied on it and broke him down. I never liked it and dont like any social networking site or even texting sometimes. My daughter deleted her account after how sick it made my son whilst my husband only uses it for business purposes. What was said about my son was horrible and so it had effected all my relative's opinions.

I'd never recommend it to anyone besides who wants to know what Joe Bloggs had for dinner last night or Louisa Scott's selfie?

All the best, Emma

- Daniel - 11-27-2013 12:50 PM

i Like Facebook i Think its a Fun Site i Like Seeing What Everyones Up To

- Johnny - 11-27-2013 01:06 PM

A spawning ground for world class idiots.

- Shannen - 11-27-2013 01:07 PM

For communication purposes,I think it's great. I use Facebook to keep in touch with old school friends and distant relatives. But security is a downfall. And the constant candy crush requests I get Angry grrr lol

- BatFink - 11-27-2013 01:13 PM

It's a very efficient tool for making people into commodities