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How can I run a successful social media campaign? - Printable Version

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How can I run a successful social media campaign? - neechacat - 10-13-2012 04:30 PM

What are your recommendations to running a successful campaign? What can I do to drive traffic to a company's Twitter and Facebook pages and ultimately to their website?

- Timothy - 10-13-2012 04:38 PM

To run a successful social media campaign you need interesting content that is actionable. By "interesting content" I mean you need to write about something that is interesting to your followers. So if your followers are into beer drinking games you need to tell them about new games you have heard about, or interesting events, or even list those beer drinking games events. If you do not have any followers, write some interesting content and submit it to sites like stumbleupon and technorati. If the content is interesting, you will get readers. But those readers need to be able to follow you on FB or twitter so make sure to include links to follow you, that is actionable content.

Besides Facebook and Twitter you can submit your business to sites like and These are locally focused sites. Yelp allows your business to get reviewed by locals and allows your business to create and sell gift certificates for your service.

Just keep creating useful content and make sure it is actionable and your user base will grow.

- Social Diva - 10-13-2012 04:38 PM

Try mixing these powerful marketing triad: Blogging + Social Networking + Email Marketing

- HamyBoy - 10-13-2012 04:38 PM

That's the golden nugget question...

To start, it's good to develop a social media marketing strategy prior to conducting your plan.
It should include the social mediums you plan to use (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), your goals (such as more visitors, revenue, etc.), your "call-to-action" strategy such as a promotion, develop and maintain a blog - anything that can create viral content to be shared across the web and your social channels.

In addition to the above steps, it's also wise to add your social network icons to your email signature, Facebook fan page, and website.

There's also companies out there that do all of this (and more) for you. Such as for example.