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How do I untag myself form a Facebook status? - Printable Version

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How do I untag myself form a Facebook status? - slasla - 11-28-2013 06:32 AM

My friend recently tagged me on a status that has nothing to do with me. So I clicked on the down arrow in the status that give you all the options and I clicked on "report/remove tag", however it only gives me the option of reporting the status not removing the tag.

- Messiadbunny - 11-28-2013 06:44 AM

If it's just a status update with your name typed in you cannot remove your name. See this link:

- Daniel - 11-28-2013 06:54 AM

It Should Show Try Refreshing the Page and Than Try and Go Back to that Option Again if its Not Showing it May Be a Error With Facebook Please Contact Facebook at the Help Center and Report the Problem To Them